Catching up

Now that it is the holidays and we are pretty much ready for it all, I have time to play. I'm not home, so I am limited to books and a journal, camera and laptop (plus one more present to finish making). I took the opportunity this evening to upload the photos from our 2005 Vancouver trip to flickr. Three sets are finished, but the other "around the city" needs editing. Here are some highlights:


1. Forest debris, 2. Old and new growth, 3. Interesting trunk, 4. Light on leaves, 5. Up through branches, 6. Moss and leaves, 7. Pond, 8. In the pond, 9. In the deep, 10. Capilano signs, 11. Tree, 12. Hairy trunk, 13. Light on conifer (what kind?), 14. Crowds on the trailways, 15. Look up, look waaaay up