The Highs

Jools cheered me up enormously be nominating me as a Rgb

! I have to nominate some people now, so I will have a little think. (Post-little-think nominations: Carla Sonheim - just such a shining  spirit; Anahata Katkin - Her name means 'heart chakra' and you can see her heart in her work; Dawn Sokol at D'Blogala - fab art journal prompts happening every Friday, and very cool pages from her journal; Shari Beaubien - exploring art and BALANCE; Tori, who I met through Sunday Scribblings and whose writing engages my heart and makes me know myself better; took too long thinking and Judy Wise got tooken already - check her out anyway for lesson in how to live.)

I am scrapping away at the moment, but can't share as I have submissions in here and there. Which is quite exciting. So that's a high.