What stops you blogging

I know for me, it can be a number of things:

  • maybe I'm feeling brave and putting a lot of things in motion, but I'm not ready to tell the world
  • maybe I've had a period of expansion, and now I'm contracting - this one is big, I invite you to notice if this appears in your life too. In my life, this usually looks like hibernation and I tend to be very non-verbal
  • maybe I know what I want to post, but I want it to be perfect and I'm waiting until I have enough time to sit down and write an awesome in-depth post. (Clue: there's never enough time!)
  • maybe I know what I want to post, but I need to get the photos taken, edited, etc
  • maybe I just got busy
  • maybe I got out of the habit

What is it for you?